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Royston's Minstrel Court is under new ownership

The exterior at wedding venue Minstrel Court
Credit: Photo Hunter Qais

Nestled in Royston, Minstrel Court is a stunning wedding venue now under new ownership. Sara and Na’im Paymán tied the knot at the venue last year and  fell in love with the charming spaces. They decided to seize the opportunity and purchase the venue when it was about to be put on the market.

Located in five acres of beautiful gardens set around a private lake,  the impressive Hertfordshire property with adjoining listed outbuildings  will wow guests. The couple brings a unique blend of skills and expertise to Minstrel Court. Na’im studied natural sciences and owns various hotels around the country, while Sara’s attention to detail is unsurpassed. With every detail counting in the event industry, it’s essential to be a perfectionist to ensure all aspects of the venue are well maintained to the highest  standard. So, Na’im’s keen understanding and experience in the hospitality industry are invaluable.

Since December, the dedicated team has worked tirelessly to create the perfect spaces for couples to start their lives together. They’re constantly making upgrades to enhance this already magnificent venue. Creating a magical experience for couples and their guests is an honour the new owners intend always to appreciate.

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