The Barn at Alswick Wedding Show


Alternative Stretch Tents


The Conservatory Luton Hoo Estate


Coltsfoot Country Retreat Wedding Show


Kelly Hawes Celebrant wins wedding award

After winning Celebrant of the Year 2023 for the East of England at The Wedding Industry Awards, Kelly Hawes Celebrant went on to the national stage to win Highly Recommended Celebrant.

The Wedding Industry Awards highlights the best companies from around the regions, including make-up artists, bridal boutiques, caterers, entertainers, venues, photographers and more. Suppliers within the wedding industry work tirelessly to ensure that couples have the very best weddings. There’s a lot of pressure and work, not just on the day but for many weeks or months beforehand. So, it was such an achievement for Kelly to know her hard work had paid off. She says, “It was probably around 10.15 pm when I got the news from my friend DJ Mike Readings, who won National Highly Commended DJ, and I was blown away!” She continues, “I’d like to say a huge thank you to all of my couples that spent the time voting for me and rating my business for judges to deem me highly commended nationwide. I now look forward to reading their testimonials, which will undoubtedly make me very emotional!”

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